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USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

Located in Los Angeles, the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is a national leader in education and scholarship in the fields of communication, journalism, public diplomacy and public relations. With an enrollment of more than 2,200 students, USC Annenberg offers doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degree programs, as well as continuing development programs for working professionals across a broad scope of academic inquiry. The school’s comprehensive curriculum emphasizes the core skills of leadership, innovation, service and entrepreneurship and draws upon the resources of a networked university located in the media capital of the world.


Displaying 41 - 58 of 58 articles

Britain’s Prince Harry poses with Meghan Markle in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace on Nov. 27, 2017. Toby Melville/Reuters

Is the British monarchy actually adapting to changing social norms?

Much of the Harry and Meghan coverage has ignored the royal family’s complicated history with race and “blood” and its insistence on continuing outdated traditions.
The Al Jazeera Media Network headquarters in Doha, Qatar. Naseem Zeitoon/Reuters

Why some Arab countries want to shutter Al Jazeera

When the network launched in 1996, it radically changed the media landscape of the Arab world. Two decades later, some regimes are still seething.
Breathless reporting accompanies each attack, with little time spent addressing the underlying causes. Nick Lehr/The Conversation via Google

Mainstream media outlets are dropping the ball with terrorism coverage

Terrorist attacks are more than ‘breaking news,’ but the media aren’t taking a comprehensive approach to exploring the underlying issues.
President Woodrow Wilson addressing a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917, urging a declaration that a state of war exists. AP Photo

1917: Woodrow Wilson’s call to war pulled America onto a global stage

Wilson coined the phrase ‘America First’ and appealed for ‘peace without victory.’ But on April 2, 1917 he asked Congress for a declaration of war. The impact on American foreign policy was profound.
How many people are trying to connect America’s cities? Network workers via

America’s broadband market needs more competition

World-class fiber-based internet service is available in less than a quarter of Los Angeles County. By contrast, it’s almost ubiquitous in Stockholm and Paris.
A 1941 photograph depicts the Chicago Defender’s linotype operators. Wikimedia Commons

Can the black press stay relevant?

From the treatment of black World War II veterans to Emmett Till’s murder, the black press helped lay the groundwork for the civil rights movement. What role can it play today?
Tyler Oakley speaking in California. Gage Skidmore/flickr

How social media stars are fighting for the Left

Content creators with millions of fans are increasingly willing to voice their political views. Their influence on American politics may be in its infancy but it is growing fast.
Narratives about health can help change behavior. Girl watching TV via

Stories are better than lectures at teaching us about health

When it comes to knowledge about cancer, our research has suggested narratives and stories are effective in both communicating health information and even encouraging people to be screened.
President Dwight Eisenhower at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Feb. 2, 1956. AP Photo

National Prayer Breakfast: What does its history reveal?

President Trump gave a speech at the Prayer Breakfast that pledged to be “tougher” in international dealings and protect religious liberty. How does it compare with past Presidents?
Fans cheer during The International Dota 2 Championships in Seattle, Washington earlier this month. Jason Redmond/Reuters

Just how big has eSports become?

The US$17 million prize pool at The International Dota 2 Championships shows how much the industry has grown over the past decade.


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